Sunday 26 October 2014

Principles and Values

Principles and Values

Principles are:
 Fundamental norms, rules, or Values that  represents what is desirable and positive for a person, group,organization, or community, and help it in determining the rightfulness or wrongfulness of its actions. Principles are more basic than policy  and objectives, and are meant to govern  both. organization

In general, a principle is some kind of basic truth that helps you with your life. "Be fair" is a principle that guides (or should guide) most people and businesses. A politician who tries to do the right thing rather than win votes is acting on principle. A person who has principles is a good, decent person. On the other hand, if you say someone has no principles, that means they're dishonest, corrupt, or evil. 

Principle as a final cause 

Final cause is the end, or goal, which guides one to take the necessary actions to obtain it. 
For that there needs to be an intelligence capable of conceiving the end and realizing that certain actions must be taken to achieve the goal. Science does not recognize the finality of the natural causes as a guiding principle of investigation. It is also understood therefore that the principle guides the action as a norm or rule of behavior, which produces two types of principles. 

Principle as moral law 

It represents a set of values that orientate and rule the conduct of a concrete society. The law establishes an obligation in the individual's conscience that belongs to the cultural field in which such values are accepted. It supposes the liberty of the individual as cause, that acts without external coercion, through a process of socialization

What are values?
 values are those elements of your life which you find personally important. They are core beliefs which guide you on how to conduct your life in a way that is meaningful and satisfying for you.
Values are the things against which you measure your choices, whether consciously or not. You use them to rationalise your behavior to yourself and others. And they determine your level of satisfaction with your choices, even if decisions are not freely made but constrained by other factors.
Your values can help you to understand where you might find a role in society, and they are often a strong motivator for work.

Where do they come from?

You may share some of the values of the people around you (your friends or family, or your social, ethnic or national group, for example) and you may have other values which are particular to you. Values can be related to your personality ( a desire to work with or manage others), to your needs ( hunger, shelter, security) and to your own understanding of your social context ( environmentalism or political values).
Your own values will emerge from a combination of your background, your experiences, and your evolving sense of self. While some of these values may stay constant throughout your life, others will develop and change as you do. The values should be teach at your home,each parents should teach their children the values also it should be teach at school so when they independent they know how to manage each things,and don't be part of  ignorant that our society has already,with values you can be  human with examples,a human without values is nothing. Because he will not be able to interact how it should be.
Values are ideals. But the real world is full of compromise and contingency, and we constantly priorities our values accordingly. We may change them through reflection, experience, or pressure to align ourselves with dominant values in our social context or the workplace.

Importance of the values

Values allow the members of an organization to interact harmoniously. Values affect their formation and development as individuals, and make it easier to reach goalsthat would be impossible to achieve individually.For the well-being of a community, it is necessary to have shared rules that guide the behavior of its members, otherwise the community will not function satisfactorily for the majority.When families, schools, companies, and society in general function poorly, many times it is due to a lack of shared values, which is reflected in a lack of consistency between what is said and what is done.For example, it is difficult to teach our children “tolerance” if our leaders and rulers constantly insult those with whom they disagree.

By: Akshita Ahir 9º L.D.V

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